Monday, April 2, 2007

Invasive Species Suck

The State Parks page is currently offering a reminder not to transport firewood from one area of the state to another. The reason is simple, it only takes idiot to devastate an ecosystem for everyone. In particular there are some pretty nasty bugs and diseases out there that can ravage entire species of trees. There is no need to transport firewood as it is available in and around every state park.

Just don't do it... ever...

Further, clean your boots, boats, gear, and clothing after leaving a park (they carry seeds) and never transplant flowers, animals, or any other living thing. Just take a look at buck thorn, zebra mussels, and earthworm. Did you know that there are no earthworms native to North America and as they enter our forests they can do great harm? Don't transport these things lets try to preserve our native habitats.

Just don't do it... ever...

I am skeptical because there is always that one idiot out there that will ignore this advice and decide that what the BWCA needs is more buck thorn. Maybe this is not the case, but just don't let that idiot be you. Just don't transport any species or firewood.

Just don't do it... ever...

End Lecture...

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